
teacher appreciation This week has been filled with Teacher Appreciation across the country.  I write a quick note to say thank you to all the teachers in my life, past and present, that helped to make me who I am as a student, a teacher, and a person. 

a-rhythm-atic My colleague, Jeff Wilson, sent me this awesome performance from Clayton Cameron on the intersection of music and math.  A perfect start to your day!  Enjoy! 

happy I'm sitting in our cafeteria, The Grille, during my off period, working on some grading.  Music plays softly through the speakers.  A Great Big World's current hit, "Say Something (I'm Giving Up on You)"

squirrel!I work at a school that is in many ways as idyllic as Disney World.  The weather is lovely and students are able to spend most of their free time outdoors if they choose.   

headmaster's day A favorite tradition at our school, Headmaster's Day is called each spring by the headmaster and is an unabashed field day of fun.  Students sleep in, play games, hang out with friends, and enjoy the beautiful weather.  The day begins with a rocket launch and then the games commence. 

senior skip day Once upon a time, more that twenty years ago, when my school was much smaller, seniors used to band together and skip a day of school.  I don't know who had this brilliant idea, but on a random day, a day they chose, the entire senior class simply didn't show up.  I can almost hear the wheels turning.  "What are they going to do if everyone skips?"

dazed and confused Remember the first day of school?  Students were excited to be back, to see friends, share stories, and check out their new schedule, books, and teachers. 

second opinion, please I'm trying to decide if I'm a Madame Benevolent Dictator looking out for my students' health and well-being or a permanent Princess Crankypants.  As you know, I can be cranky at times, but I'd like to think I'm basically good.  Here's your chance to give me a grade. 

you are a leader! I thought I would share this TEDTalk that is one of my favorites.  Perhaps I should regularly feature talks on TEDTuesday.  There are so many wonderful choices!   

putting the "pro" in procrastination Procrastination:  To put off or defer until a later time.  In calculus class our weeks are structured so that the beginning of the week is the presentation of new concepts, the middle of the week...

mlk We are not in school today, but please enjoy this fabulous video honoring the vision of an incredible man.  You can read more about the group that made this video at

quit picking on math This cartoon has been emailed to me, posted on my Facebook page, and left in my mailbox numerous times.  Surely word problems are not the most confusing,

welcome home Wednesday was an exceptionally busy day for our school.  In addition to the visiting a cappella group, the Yale Alley Cats, the city of Winter Park put on a parade for one our alums, Charles Nadd.

no accompaniment required On Wednesday we were treated to a concert from the Yale Alley Cats.  Yearly visits from an a cappella group are definitely a favorite at our school, and sometimes they even feature an alum, a special treat.  You can listen to a song from this fantastically talented group here.  Enjoy! 

toys for tots In December our school continues to serve our Central Florida community as best we can.  In the middle school, advisory groups adopt children and families from the Orlando Union Rescue Mission, providing Christmas toys, clothes, and gift cards for the homeless.  Our high school students participate in Toys for Tots,

lessons and carols The Christmas spirit is everywhere on campus these days. Our students are festively sporting Santa hats and Christmas sweaters, Secret Santa exchanges abound, and Thursday was my favorite chapel, our lovely Lessons and Carols service.  

monday night blues In class on Monday we were reviewing for the last test in calculus before we take exams next week.  We started looking at questions on Friday and continued today. Students drew me pictures illustrating the upcoming evening's review process in various ways.  Two are pictured here. 

happy teacher It's 2:51 on a Thursday.  I have nineteen students in my last class of the day, one that ended at 2:40.  Eight of these students are still here working.

what are you afraid of?  A few weeks ago I asked my students two questions.  What are you proud of?  What are you working on? Here are their responses, side by side.

giving thanks This is my 51st post since I started this adventure.  Mostly I'm stunned.  This blog has had more than 7000 hits in the past 2+ months. 

cantasmic Each year our school collects cans for the Second Harvest Food Bank.  Central Florida was hit hard by the downturn in the economy and our recovery has been slow. 

student worries Student:  Is today a work day? Me:  Yes.  You can work on the online assignment.  I will need 10 minutes to talk about the quiz. Student:  I love work days. Me:  Why?

fear factor "This is the first time I can remember that I have not been terrified about my math exam." ~student in College Algebra I teach College Algebra. 

generation gap Before class I was telling my students a story about how you never know how you will feel about the people you know in high school.  I am 30 years out of high school and two friends from back in the day, each having raised their own families and then

fair warning:  this post contains a picture of a cricket My fabulous colleague Jon Gray teaches 6th grade science and AP Environmental science.  Although it would be fun to comment on what has to be a day of multiple personalities, that's not what I wanted to talk about.

this key doesn't fit Some people think Monday mornings are tough.  I actually think Tuesdays are tougher, and Wednesdays...  whew...

fashion statement A few times a year we have a "dress up day."  We ask our gentlemen to wear pants, dress shoes, dress shirts, and ties. 

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